Ryusa Worksのブログ


Tools for English Writing and Japanese Reading

I'm poor in English. This software 1Checker helps me a lot for English writing.

It's free and friendly to use. At the beginning, you should just write down your words and sentences. Sometimes you can use the dictionary tool at the right side to look up words and phrases. This version is only support Chinese-English or English-Chinese, however...
Then click the "检查"(Check) bottom. It will check your spells and grammar automatically.
Just like when you're in the class, hand in your paper then your teacher will assess it.
Then close the window and return to your text. Some suggestions will show on the bottom of your words and phrases.
You can check more informations at its website: http://www.1gai.cn/
In fact, I hope further updates of this software will support more languages. That will be nice...

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When I reading some Japanese pages, I will activate this tool:
This guy is a Japanese-English translation extender, "Rikaikun"(理解君).

Then stay your mouse with individual character or phrases, a window will appear, helping me a lot for reading.
Sometimes it seems doesn't work very well... Fortunately I know this phrase means Social Account. It's just a tool, don't be so hard on it...

FL11: Batch Changing The Score Notes Duration

Today I'll share one of my experiences about how to change the score notes duration in discrete time.
Here we got a MIDI file. Now let us check this track, "Riff left". I want to change all of the short notes to make them duration doubles.
Click HERE to listen my midi remix version : 悪魔城ドラキュラシリーズマッシュアップ

Original short notes:
And I want to change into this:
Ah, score notes shown on this picture are just 1/200 of the whole track -- even less, you should know that. There are many ways to fulfil it, but I want to know the best way.

My method is:
Step 1) Click the "Snap to Grip" icon then chose the "1/2 step".
Now you should see more closely grid appeared in Piano Roll.
Note: This operation will decide the short notes snap to which grip nearby, chose different type wisely espcially in triple time.
Not matched

Step 2) Hold the Shift key and hold down the left mouse button to choose a part which included the short notes that you want to make them double. Also this operation will involve other irrelevance long notes, never mind, just do it.

Step 3) Hold the Shift key and select one of the notes tail arbitrarily, then drag it from left to right, now all selected notes should be lengthened. Regardless of the long notes, make sure the short notes snap to grid.

Step 4) Final step. Ctrl + Q or select Tools -> Quick Quantize. Then you should see all the long notes in the selected part will be quantized.
Maybe there're still some wrong duration in long notes after quantizing, undo and back to Step 3, this time we should drag them to close the grip but not snap it. Doesn't work? I have not any idea, you should change the duration manually...

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After this operation you can make your further process, this track, for example, is the guitar riff track, I want to double the duration of all short notes, then the velocity modify so I can make them reproduce the palm mute skill.
Some soft instruments, such as Shreddage Electric GT 2, are not like the MusicLab Guitar LPC / Strat, they will not "play" palm mute skill correctly especially when the short notes are too short. Changing the duration of this kind of short notes can we assure our soft electric guitars "play” in expectly.

A self-made RPG "Ryusa's Avalon"

Project since Oct 10th, 2011. But it's pending for a long time... Maybe I'll go on this personal project after I finish my remixing -- Immersive RMXP Symphonic Remix Project.
Just photo-show, nothing more...


Menu Scene and Equipment Scene
used Lite Menu Scripts by 蛐蛐兒

Battle Scene
used Sideview Battle System by Enu

Music Room Scene
script and picture were made by myself ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ

Days of Despondence

近期遇到灵感枯竭,而且打开 DAW 也没有干劲,大概就是所谓的“三月病”吧。闲下来之后就边听着自己做过的曲子,写下这篇日志:主要是关于一些郁闷事。



作为一名业余混音师,平时除了自学混音知识之外,就是捣鼓一些 MIDI 然后换配器,做混音。又因为自己非常喜欢金属乐和配乐,所以个人风格都是往这方面贴近,但并不代表我只会做金属乐或者是配乐。这不禁让我想起在大学那时的事情,因为在系统建模课上我打算写的论文是讨论脚本语言不同循环语句的执行效率差异,之后班上的人差不多全部都认为我擅长编程了,就连我因为喜欢混音打算退学自学而和导师交换意见那时,导师也误以为我是因为执着于编程而打算退学。换言之编程是我的兴趣之一——也仅仅是之一——而不是全部,但是他们把我的一个兴趣当成了我唯一擅长的领域。无论是客户,还是同学们对我产生的偏见,大概都是是因为我们不怎么沟通吧,他们并不完全了解我。


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Facing my inspiration dried up, even when I open my DAW I have not any desire to work, perhaps that's the so-called 三月病. Listening to songs made by my own, I'm writing this blog and what to tell you something about my despondences.

Once a client contact to me by mail from one of my friends, and said if I can accomplish a post-working project of a remade song with a single instrument track (vocal-off) and her dry-vocal track. Generally when sound mixers dealing with this type of project, they should comply with the purposes by the clients totally. Mixers, however, they should have no any personal opinions about the projects, all they have to be done is to finish the requests by their abilities and experiences. At the beginning of this project almost everything went well -- nothing less than with the process of mixing she thought her current dry-vocal sample didn't suitable for this project. Then she re-recorded another one for me to replace the elder one.
But the turning point was when she expresses her desire to make this song well, and I want to prove there're no any mishaps on the mixing, so I showed my music-posting page to her. She checked my page and thought I'm inappropriatable and claim her front money back...

Then I contemplated a while and finally drew a conclusion. This thing happened because she treats my personal interestings as my only realm to get skilled in.
As one of amateur sound mixers, either I learn the knowledge of mixing and recording by myself in normal times, or picking some MIDI files then changing their's orchestrate, drawing events such as Pitch Bend, MOD, after that I'll start making the mixing. My personal style is Metal and Cinematic because I like them, I was influenced by Nighwish, Nile and Epica a lot. But you shouldn't say Metal or Cinematic is the only styles I can do.

It reminds me of a thing at my college life. At the System Modeling course, my dissertation that I want to write was to discuss the efficiency between different loop statements (loop, for, while...) on RGSS (a Ruby-based scripting language for RPG Maker series game-making softwares by Enterbrain). After that almost all people from my class were considered that I was ONLY good at programming, even when I put my withdrawal application to our tutor, she also thought that I must be obsessed with programming, but the truth is sound mixing. On the other words programming is one of my interesting but not the ONLY thing. Whether the client or my class-mate's prejudice to me, presumably we are not communicating very often so they can't understand me totally.

It's a shame, but I never expected to change anything. This type of mixing is just for practise. I should take more vim in multi-tracks mixing projects. What's more I don't intend to find a job in Chinese domestic.