Ryusa Worksのブログ



Tools for English Writing and Japanese Reading

I'm poor in English. This software 1Checker helps me a lot for English writing. It's free and friendly to use. At the beginning, you should just write down your words and sentences. Sometimes you can use the dictionary tool at the right si…

FL11: Batch Changing The Score Notes Duration

Today I'll share one of my experiences about how to change the score notes duration in discrete time. Here we got a MIDI file. Now let us check this track, "Riff left". I want to change all of the short notes to make them duration doubles.…

A self-made RPG "Ryusa's Avalon"

Project since Oct 10th, 2011. But it's pending for a long time... Maybe I'll go on this personal project after I finish my remixing -- Immersive RMXP Symphonic Remix Project. Just photo-show, nothing more...Workstation Menu Scene and Equip…

Days of Despondence

近期遇到灵感枯竭,而且打开 DAW 也没有干劲,大概就是所谓的“三月病”吧。闲下来之后就边听着自己做过的曲子,写下这篇日志:主要是关于一些郁闷事。事情还得从一次接的单子说起,一日有位客户通过我的朋友邮件联系到我,希望我能够完成一份贴唱作品的后期。…